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One on One Psychotherapy

Individual Psychotherapy

Individual psychotherapy can be an unprecedented catalyst to personal change and reclaiming a full life.

The private space of individual sessions allows capacity to focus in on exactly what is relevant and meaningful for you.

A robust and warm therapeutic relationship is essential for effective therapy, and it is a foundation we hold as the priority in any therapeutic connection.

Personal therapy really can change everything. It allows an unfolding of what is showing up in your world, and a joint exploration into increasing your quality of being.

It taps into the way we are made biologically and socially to enable neurological and interpersonal growth.

Please contact Wings & Quill if you have any questions prior to booking, or if you feel confident then please book online below.

Online, follow up sessions, and text support packages are available for regular clients. Contact Wings & Quill to find out more.


Support For Carers & Families

Caring for someone going through a mental illness or emotional strain can be confusing, tiring, and bring up feelings of self-doubt and vulnerability.

Hesitation in trusting the most effective way to support someone can further exacerbate these feelings.

Wings & Quill offers support for carers to work through communication approaches, plans for support and encouragement, and provide information and education on the specific nature of a loved one’s experience.

We are most able to support another when we ourselves are supported, nurtured and informed.

Please contact Wings & Quill if you have any questions prior to booking, or if you feel confident then please book online below.


Telehealth Sessions

From wherever you are in the world, you are welcome here! Telehealth makes connecting to our specialised and bespoke services possible regardless of location. This might also be an additional support for clients while travelling, or whenever unable to attend on site sessions.

All Wings & Quill programs, workshops and groups are also provided online. We believe in the power of community support during times of healing, and this isn’t limited for those utilising distance treatment. Telehealth sessions can be organised as video conferences or telephone call.

Please contact Wings & Quill if you have any questions prior to booking, or if you feel confident then please book online below.